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Planning Board Minutes 05/03/2018
  Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday May 3, 2018

Members Present: Chairman Stan Brehm, Jeff Jordan, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Kevin Mara, Craig MacIntosh, Richard Moore

Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Mr. Mara made a motion to accept the April 5, 2018 minutes, the motion was seconded by Ms. Davis, motion passed.

Mr. Jordan made a motion to accept the April 19, 2018 minutes, the motion was seconded by Mr. Houle, motion passed.

Continued Public Hearing
Site Plan Review-Cruiserparts, LLC.  
Mr. Valley provided a letter to Mr. Brehm dated April 27, 2018 from Sharon Monahan of Site Succor Design LLC addressing Wetlands Delineation and the Septic Design for this application. The appropriate information will be added to the site plans.

Mr. Valley said that the remaining pending items include:
  • Septic System Approval from NH DES for the septic design done by Sharon Monahan of Site Succor Design LLC
  • Final approval from NH DOT District 5 for the surface water runoff, detention ponds, and related issues
  • The calculations for runoff from the proposed building roofs
Jason Weir advised the Planning Board and the applicant that he has a Community Water Supply well serving his mobile home park adjacent to the proposed development.  Mr. Weir will submit a letter for the file documenting the well and recent test results with a focus on the VOC and SOC levels.  Mr. Weir advised that NH DES requires the well to be tested for several possible contaminants on a regular basis.  

There was a brief discussion regarding the fire suppression water supply required by the Chichester Fire Department.

The Site Plan public hearing for Cruiserparts will be continued to the May 16, 2018 meeting.

Scott Walker, Jason Coomey discussion on Map 3 lot 13 -
Scott Walker Realtor from Premier Properties is representing Concord Motor Sports in the sale of their property at 169 Dover Road.  A potential buyer, Joseph Dupont Jr., has asked if the current use can be continued if he purchases the property.  It was determined that the property is in the Commercial Village District and automotive uses is not one of the listed permitted uses but it is a current use.  Mr. Dupont’s company is NH Oil Undercoating currently located at South Main St in Concord, NH.  Mr. Dupont said that the business undercoats vehicles, sells undercoating product and equipment to other undercoaters, trains new dealers on the undercoating process, descales and prepares vehicles for undercoating, and similar work.  Mr. Dupont will submit a letter to the Chichester Planning Board stating his proposed uses for the property.  The Board feels that the proposed use is similar to the current use and that it is appropriate to grandfather the current use for the possible new owner.

Mr. Mara made a motion that the proposal is not a change in use therefore no site plan is required but a Letter of Intent from the new owner will be required.  Ms. Davis seconded the motion and the motion passed.  Mr. Brehm will draft a letter to the parties.

Flag lighting-
Mrs. Raffterty Hall and approximately half a dozen other interested Chichester residents asked the Board about the Town Attorney advice regarding the recent Zoning Ordinance Amendment proposals regarding flag lighting.  Mr. Brehm advised that there had been a brief telephone discussion with the Town Attorney but no letter from the Attorney.  Mr. Brehm and other members of the Board advised that the flag lighting Zoning Amendment proposed by the Planning Board was intended to meet the legal requirements prohibiting any limits on the content of the flag.  They also advised that the previous years amendment was considered as an indicator that Chichester is willing to allow flag lighting.  Mrs. Rafferty Hall indicated that she would prefer down lighting for flags but now understands the Planning Boards reasoning for allowing up lighting for flags.

Mrs. Raffterty Hall asked if a brief summary of the Zoning Amendments can legally be included on the ballots.  This will be explored, the Board did say that the Public Hearings for proposed Zoning Amendments do provide a forum for clarifying the proposed changes.

Mrs. Raffterty Hall asked if there is anything that she can do to assist the Planning Board.  Mr. Jordan and Mr. Brehm responded that there are several opportunities to assist with the Master Plan and with the new Zoning that will transition Chichester away from a Soils based zoning method to a designated use model used by most communities.

Site Plan Review (again) -Cruiserparts, LLC.  
Bruce Wilen from Mason-Towle Road asked if Cruiser Parts will have an access on Mason-Towle Road.  The plans were reviewed and it was determined that the property does have frontage on Mason-Towle Road but the plans show all access to be via Route 4.  The concern was triggered by recent clear cutting adjacent to Mason-Towle Road.

J. Halle Site Plan Review
Chairman Brehm said that Mr. Halle of Chichester Commons on Route 4 has asked whether he can create a temporary storage area for golf carts on the Chichester Commons property on Route 4.  Mr. Halle provided a sketch to Chairman Brehm for discussion.  The Board felt that the storage area needs to meet the Chichester Zoning Ordinance and that a Site Plan meeting all of the check list items is required.

71 Kelley Corner Road -
Chairman Brehm said that the application from last month regarding a lot line adjustment at 71 Kelley Corner Road is expected to be submitted in the future.  The questions regarding the apartments in the existing building are being addressed and the existing Day Care apparently meets regulations.  

CNH Regional Planning Commission -
The Selectmen have signed the agreement for the CNH RPC to assist Chichester in developing a new zoning philosophy and map that is not based on soil types.  Work will begin this Spring with the intent of being ready for Town Meeting 2019.

Master Plan -
Ann Davis asked if the Agriculture and Heritage sections of the Master Plan can be altered or summarized since their public hearings and approvals were based on the full version of those chapters.  The Board suggested using the full version in the Master Plan.

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Mara made a motion and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 8:20pm

Respectfully submitted,

Not approved until signed.

Chairman, Stan Brehm